Body Language

  Do you pay attention to body language when you meet someone? Probably – unconsciously. I try to be aware all the time and also think about what my own body is expressing. One of the strongest signals is someone who has their arms crossed, it usually means they are not open to receiving or giving out information.   How about someone that won’t look you straight in the eyes, do you trust them? At our office I walk around a lot, and I always pay attention to our staff’s body language. It usually will tell me who is stressed … Continue reading Body Language

Marilyn, my love

What more can I say about the person I love, after having been together for more than 44 years, without resorting to boring cliches? Yes, we are compatible and make each other whole. Yes we are Yin and Yang, described in Chinese philosophy as “how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world”. Marilyn is a good person, a kind person and always so damn curious and compassionate about everything that goes on in the lives of our family and friends. She is such a good listener, so comfortable in social settings and she … Continue reading Marilyn, my love

What A Difference A Day Makes!

One of the benefits of growing older is an opportunity to look back and recognize, how one particular day in the past, how one single decision, made rather casually, can permanently and dramatically effect one’s life. The day is Wednesday June 15, 1977, and we had decided to move to Canada, where I had accepted an offer to join the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. We filled a crate with most of our belongings and sent it ahead by ship across the Atlantic Ocean. Our 2-year old Irish Setter, Sheila, was loaded, in her own crate, in to the bottom of the … Continue reading What A Difference A Day Makes!

What stops us from doing the things we like doing?

  I really enjoy writing. I have no intention of becoming a writer; I just enjoy the process of finding the words to express my thoughts, to describe an event or to share where I have been or what I have seen. So, why is it that I haven’t written a blog since last July? Shall I say it?…….. “I DON’T KNOW”. I hate those 3 words. (Or is it 4 words?) I try hard not to use those useless, lazy words: “I DON’T KNOW”. Instead, I try and figure out what the answer is. What is stopping me from … Continue reading What stops us from doing the things we like doing?